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Owner: © Ningbo CMC Handelsgesellschaft mbH
VAT identification number: ATU64531046
Commercial register number: 321328t
Location identification (GLN - Global Location Number): 9110017364574
Local court: Feldkirch district court
Authority in accordance with ECG (E-commerce Act): Bregenz local administration
Responsible for content: Klaus Wolf, CEO
Technical information
Responsible person for technical matters: XPULSE Crossmedia Productions | Ing. Andreas Gabriel (
Media sources and rights
All images, illustrations and graphics (reduced images) that are shown are used in accordance with the provisions of the respective holders of rights. All rights to the images, illustrations and graphics shown on this website, are owned by the creators. It is prohibited to acquire the images in any form and in any case, this requires the written consent of the respective copyright owner. If any infringement is known of, it may be prosecuted.
Media sources:
- Ing. Andreas Gabriel (
- MEDIArt Photographie, Hard, Andreas Uher
- Adobe Stock
Liability disclaimer
Despite checking the contents carefully, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. The content of the linked pages is the sole responsibility of their operators. All names, terms, symbols and graphics used herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks owned by their respective owners. The rights of all trademarks that are mentioned/used solely belong to their owners.